Saturday, September 28, 2019


Some people plan vacation time or their free time to go somewhere. Some went abroad and some went where they had never been before. Some have known other cultures in the area and some have no idea at all. So many cultures that we don't realize when in other places. Do we need to understand and recognize other cultures besides your own culture?
Of course, You know that you’re living in a vibrant multicultural country. Lawrence Blum, quoted from Lubis (2006: 174) Multiculturalism includes understanding, appreciation, and assessment of one's culture, as well as respect and curiosity about other people's ethnic cultures. Knowing that, we have to realize and understand the culture of others before traveling where you are headed. Sometimes you don't really understand when you are in their cultural conditions. Traveling in a foreign place or other places will be a good opportunity to know with different environments, foods, buildings, lifestyles, and other cultures, you will have the opportunity to see what life is like in other places and you will experience new things in new places with extraordinary and its new. If you are in another place or a foreign place, of course, you will find a different culture from you and you have to realize it. So it’s great that you want to understand cultures other than your own. This essay will show some benefits when you are aware of other cultures when you are in their cultural conditions.

The first you will not face the cultural shock. You will be ready to face other cultures when you travel elsewhere. Culture Shock is a cultural change inadvertently and at a sudden time along with the insight that is possessed this usually happens to people who suddenly move or are moved to a new environment. A community namely TDW Club said, It is very natural, if someone who enters a new cultural environment has difficulty and can be subjected to mental stress if the culture is not suitable or someone who experiences cultural shock has not been able to adapt in his environment. This happens because of a lack of information on someone who does not understand about other cultures. For example, someone just moved somewhere but he/she was immediately forced to apply a culture that he/she thought was new to him/her. General cases that some environments consider the culture to be more correct and you will be considered rude when you do a culture other than their culture. Therefore you need to be aware of other cultures before visiting somewhere. However, is that important? someone or environment must also be aware of their guests if they do not know their culture. Tolerance and mutual respect are the answers. (UUD 29 paragraph 2 in 1945).

The second you will be considered as mutual respect because you also apply their culture well. They will welcome us well because they see a similarity between the two parties. On the other hand, is it necessary? Example, if their culture is opposite to their own culture, what will you do? If we are wrong when applying their culture, what if they are angry and blame us immediately? So if those things happen we must apologize and give an explanation. At least we also apply how to respect one another. As we know, According to UUD 29 paragraph 2 in 1945, Constitution stated that "the State guarantees the independence of each resident to embrace their respective religion and to worship according to their religion and beliefs." Therefore we as citizens should uphold mutual tolerance among religious people and mutual respect between rights and obligations that exist between us for the integrity of the county. According to (Soekanto, 2012: 150), Culture is complex which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, laws, customs and habits obtained by humans as members of society. We can be unfamiliar when applying other people's culture. It will take a lot of time to learn it. If we make a mistake it can be reminded by a good way and not blaming it directly if the blame is applied then there will be no end.

The third avoiding conflict, avoiding misunderstandings between cultures so that we value our own culture and those of others when in their cultural conditions. You will adapt well, for example, Javanese people go in the city of Malay people, they are in a foreign place, they must be able to learn local culture so as not to cause misunderstanding because of their cultural differences on the island of Java. Every group or individual anywhere should learn from each other's culture so that there will be no inter-tribal war that comes from a misunderstanding between cultures. Here's an example of a small misunderstanding war on the YouTube page about table manners where someone from England is having dinner with his business partners. Because different tastes in food made the English people less like the menu that night, but the British had a culture if they did not spend food from the host then it was an insult, while in the eyes of the Chinese they felt the English questioned their generosity to give the dish was again because I saw the Englishman eating his food. Actually, this video has been uploaded from several channels which describe it differently there are those who consider it as sociology and English Clearing Plate. So it needs to be aware out and studied before applying something in the view of other cultures.

Having said those, recognizing, learning and applying other cultures when you are in another cultural condition or elsewhere is good for us when traveling in foreign places. When you travel elsewhere, it will allow us to get to know another culture first-hand. We can find culture everywhere just by going around not only in the neighborhood but we can also neighboring to another places or countries. Cultural differences are more than just differences in language, food, appearances, and personal habits. There are some benefits when you learn and apply other cultures such as not meeting cultural shocks, will be respected and respected, will not cause the war or misunderstanding between cultures. That is why this is important to learn because you’re living in a vibrant multicultural country.

Lubis, (2006: 174). Deskontruksi Epistemologi Modern
UUD 29 paragraph 2 in 1945
TDW Club, 2010, Apa itu Cultural Shock? Dan 5 Ciri Tanda-tanda Cultural Shock. (accessed on June 6, 2019)
Soekanto, (2012: 150) Sosiologi Perubahan Sosial, Jakarta: Rajawali Pers 2014
Nina Perez
, 2008, English Clearing Plate - UK Advert.

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