Friday, May 25, 2018


Learning a foreign language is a very useful skill for those of us living in the modern era and advanced technology. Some people think children should start learning a foreign language when they
start school because the best time to learn a foreign language is at an early age. in the modern era and advanced technology, they will understand the language of technology and they will get the provision in the future to speak foreign languages. From there I can argue that teaching children a foreign language when they start school is better. However, some people do not teach their children a foreign language once they start school. This essay will provide a rebuttal for opinions that do not agree.

learning a foreign language does have advantages for children such as making children more quickly master a foreign language. But we have to see again the ability of the children themselves whether the child will more quickly master or even confused with the teachings. For one thing, the ability of the human brain to decline as adults grow, according to the Indonesian geographical national our brain will change again in different modes as it grows. Our brains will shrink, literally, our brain volume will decrease and show that children can memorize and understand new languages automatically after they are born for up to 4 years(1).

If from the opinion that agrees is easier for children more quickly master the language of technology. on the other hand, opinions that do not agree is the parents are worried about their children using technology. whether in the right way or the wrong way such as opening things that are not desired or even prohibited According to Lenneberg, an individual has an important (period sensitive) period to be able to easily and quickly master the Language, called the "critical period" when the individual has not entered puberty(2). for example, if children are given technology automatically they learn the language that technology uses and imitate it little by little.

It is true that learning a foreign language at an early age can make it easy for children to remember the vocabulary of a foreign language. however, some claim that learning a foreign language at one time at a time (at an early age) will confuse the children. the facts of Dr. David Freeman and Dr. Yvonne Freeman, states that the earlier the child is exposed to more than one language, the faster they master it. This is because the child's brain is very strong and has the capacity to change in response to environmental demands, this is why language is good to be taught from an early age(3).

The conclusion of some opinions, from some sources and one of the facts of doctor's research, the teaching of foreign languages to their children once they go to school is not dangerous because teaching foreign languages at an early age gains a lot of benefits, they will understand the language of technology, Can make it easier for children to remember foreign language vocabulary and they will get a provision to speak a foreign language that he learned while studying at an early age. 



  1. ur essay is great, the way you deliver the essay logic and clearly.

  2. It is a good essay, i like the way you explain. You're also attach the sources, and it's nice!
