The term of hooking
1. The introduction
-the grething (catch attention)
-countext (give background)
-outline (show organazation)
>give a surprising fact
>create an imaginary scenario/anecdote
>tell a truth story
>bring a property
>ask a "show of hand questions"
>show a through - providing a picture
>mark handouts
>stage fright/don't be nervous
>clearly voice
>at the end a presentation you must conclude your presentation
Types of presentation
make a video / your own video about presentation
speech presentation
poster presentation
need a conclusion in your presentation
Week 2
Developing and organizing ideas lecture
a. follow task instruction
1. length of time = around 13wmp, avoid speaking fast rehearse aloud
2. organization = required section, mirrored section 2-5 section
3. assessment
- formal vs informal
formal = scoring rubric
informal = colleagues
- content vs delivery
content = accurate, interesting, teamwork, references
delivery = verbal, nonverbal, visual aids
b. do your research
1. be throught = rationales ( why), caveats ( exceptions ), counteraguments ( reflections )
2. types of evidience = devinition, discription, example, statistic, illustration, testimony
3. check validity = text book definition, confirmed statistic, expert testimony is better
4. be truthful = dont plagiarizm, dont exagerate
Week 3
Term: how rehearsing your speech will improve your speaking style
Modes of delivery
1. writing a script
- memorize
- read
2. outline
- note cards
- slideshow
- simulate the actual location
>what equipment will you be using?
>will there be a microphone?
>will you be using a projector?
Stand up when you are recording yourself, don't sit
Rehearse several times
Simulated location: practice at home or at the office, record and watch these recordings
verbal delivery lecture
- must be interesting to vocal futures vocal include:
Speed: an effective presenter speaks about 130 words per minute
Volume: if the room is very large, there should already be a microphone
Infections: to convey meaning you must use inflections in pitch intonation
Pauses: use when introducing a new or an important idea
add visual aids
take care of your body
arrive early
showdown when talking
interact with the audience
keep the quietly to yourself\
Week 4
Term: presentation slides
PPT tips
choose the different color with the text
choose simple animation
choose the simple template
write only keywords = short phrases
professional presentation
divide pre-presentation taks
presentation roles
poster tips lecture
-manually created
-digital created
-60% text
-20% images
-20% while space
-8 words maximum
-not a full sentence (phrases)
content = audience knowledge
have emergency plans = three copies, arrive early
#8 keys to a successful conversation
- preparation
- physical presence
- listen to understand = be interested, give yourself quiet time
- focus on the topic
- if critical thinking
- dynamic use of voice and question
- clear communication = organize ideas, use relevant and specific example use language
#Discussion preparation
- reading and react
- mark the text
- note vocab key
- make question
- take double entry
#starting the discussion
- sit arrangement
- body language and position
- comfortable desk/table
- well introduction ( shake hand )
- each member should know and understand the topic
Academic vocab have three general categories
1. new academic word list > the list of the most used words from the journal, non-fiction, student essays, and conversation consists of 936 words.
2. the multi-word expressions > is 2 or more word that has one meaning such as idioms, collocations, phrase verbs.
3. types of academic vocab
Week 2
# elaborate in an academic discussion
1. elaborate on your own responses
- fact = something the real
- anecdote = like a story
- analogize = which compares analysis, synthesis, evaluation
- hypotheticals
- elaborate on their answer
- what do you mean by...
etc: can you more specific?
#elaborating by using an example
- fact & statistic= accurate, relevant
- anecdotes = brief stories that illustrate your idea
- analogies = comparison, population growth
- hypotheticals
Week 3
# how to have a smooth discussion
- possible problems = getting off track, uneven participation, bad attitude
attitude = stay on track, balanced participation, maintain a good attitude
# constructing conversation lecture
- important steps to construct a building = from foundation, blueprint, international placement or bricks
- constructing ideas by building on ideas = background knowledge, value: why and in this discussion, have a clear task: what can you do list
- build on the ideas of others = analysis, synthesis, evaluation
# agreeing to disagree:
disagreement without confrontation
discourse community - collaboration = logical, evidence
analysis = see pattern & connections
synthesis = identify problems & find solutions think of alternative possibilities
evaluation = see different perspectives, support with evidence
knowledge = ex: what is genetically modified food
comprehension = how would you summarize the reasons that gizmos have been created?
application = I discovered that chocolate & salt take good together
voice: intonation
1. firm yet polite
ex: I don't agree that...
I'm sorry but I don't agree
well, actually
I disagree with you there
2. build on your partner's comment
ex: concede the point = I agree that...
thought it's true that...
I see your point, but I can't agree on
acknowledge partners viewpoint
that's one way of looking at it, but...
I understand what you're saying but...
main points
synthesis = pulling together of elements to create something new
finishing up = leave some time to reflect, go over notes, look back at discussion questions
pull together information
share ideas
and conclusion
Week 4
Term: synthesis
the difference between summary and synthesis.
the summary is a brief version of a longer text
synthesis is a pulling together of elements to create something new
reflecting on the course: takeaways
1. lay a good foundation by preparing = by doing research, taking notes, and recording your personal reaction to any reading you do.
2. create a warm and welcoming space/create the right physical space by sitting in a circle = focus should be making everyone feel included and comfortable.
3.collaborate = in a conversation you work together to build on each other's ideas.
4. elaborate = support and explain your ideas with fact,statistic,analogy,anecdote,hypotheticals.
5. focus on goal = you need a plan where this discussion will lead like you ask your partner " does my comment contribute to the goal of this discussion?".
6. wrap it up = don't forget to wrap up your ideas at the end, to synthesize or organized the ideas in a neat way so that we can remember and easily share them and easy to see takeaways massage.
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